Torque Markup Language

The Torque Markup Language is a set of specific tags that can be used to alter text in-game.

'__' characters are to be replaced by names, and '##' characters are to be replaced by integer values. Additionally, text specified in parenthesis are comments on the field preceding them, and are to be removed when using that TML tag.


<font:__(fontname):##(fontsize)> - Sets the font and font-size of the text.

<color:rrggbb> - Sets the text color specified, in hex format.

<div:##(color)> - Creates a grey background behind the text.

<spush> - Saves the current TML text formatting to allow for temporary changes to the formatting to be made.

<spop> - Used in conjunction with to restore the previously saved TML text formatting.

<sbreak> - Clears the previously saved TML text formatting.


<a:__(url)>__(name)</a> - Masks a hyperlink behind the text name given.

<bitmap:__(filepath)> - Inserts the bitmap image located at the path specified.


<br> - Breaks the current line and begins a new line.

<just:left/right/center> - Justifies the text

<tab:##[,##,##,##(etc)]> - Sets tab stops at the position(s) given.

<lmargin:##> - Sets the left margin identation.

<lmargin%:##> - Sets the left margin identation by a percent of the screen.

<rmargin:##> - Sets the right margin identation.

<rmargin%:##> - Sets the right margin identation by a percent of the screen.

<clip:##(pixelamount)> - Cuts off the text after the amount of pixels specified has been reached.